Leading Pan-European Clearing House

About Cboe Clear Europe

Cboe Clear Europe is a pan-European Central Counterparty, the most connected CCP in Europe - offering clearing services to 46 trading venues. Cboe Clear Europe is approved to clear cash equities, depositary receipts, ETFs and equity derivatives (index futures and options) contracts.

The clearing services of Cboe Clear Europe enable Clearing Participants to manage their counterparty credit risk and also to maximise operational efficiencies through automated processing and the provision of netting opportunities.

Cboe Clear Europe's strategy is to collaborate and innovate with our clients and industry partners and strengthen the markets in which we operate. Cboe Clear Europe achieves this by delivering products and services that are designed in partnership with its users to provide best in class service, functionality, and enhance the markets in which it operates.

Cboe Clear Europe N.V. is headquartered in Amsterdam and was formed in the Netherlands in December 2013 following the combination of European Multilateral Clearing Facility N.V. (EMCF) and European Central Counterparty Limited (ECCP Limited), both of which were incorporated in 2007. On 1 July 2020, Cboe Worldwide Holdings Limited, an affiliate of the Cboe group, acquired 100% of Cboe Clear Europe.

Cboe Clear Europe N.V. is registered in the Dutch commercial register under number 34268194 and has its registered office at Symphony Offices, Gustav Mahlerplein 77, 1082 MS Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Cboe Clear Europe is a Limited Liability Company with share capital of EUR 7,500,000. Cboe Clear Europe has a branch office in London that is registered in the UK, as a UK Establishment with Company No. FC031747 and UK Establishment No. BR016817. Cboe Clear Europe's LEI is 724500937F740MHCX307.

Business Continuity

Core to Cboe Clear Europe's mission is the provision of outstanding risk management, capital and operational efficiencies for the benefit of members, clients and venues. In order to achieve these goals, safeguarding the continuity of clearing services is fundamental. It is with this in mind that Cboe Clear Europe has designed its business continuity arrangements to manage disruptions of all magnitudes to its services. Key objectives during a business continuity incident or crisis are to ensure staff welfare and confidence, enable continuity of business critical processes, maintenance of full information, communication and technological (ICT) infrastructure and service provision, maintain client, shareholder and stakeholder confidence and fulfil regulatory requirements. A Crisis Management Team is in place to manage effective and timely response to a disruption. The business continuity arrangements are ISO 22301 certified and are externally reviewed annually in accordance with Cboe Clear Europe's internal govrnance process. A copy of the ISO 22301 certification is available here.

Cboe Clear Europe's Crisis Management & Recovery Plan is central to its business continuity arrangements and includes incident management as well as recovery plans that are Business, IT and Cyber Incident specific, which have been developed to be scenario independent with the goal of providing continuity and timely resumption of critical operations and IT systems. Recovery strategies include remote working/alternate workplace arrangements and two data centres with different geographic risk profiles. Testing of Cboe Clear Europe's crisis management capabilities takes place at least annually and Cboe Clear Europe staff receive regular training, in accordance with a calendar of training sessions, tests and exercises, including emergency communications, work from home capabilities, building evacuations and IT disaster recovery. Cboe Clear Europe may perform ad-hoc tests where a new risk to its business continuity or a material change to its critical processes is identified.