Cboe Clear Europe is Europe's most connected Equities CCP. It provides its clearing members and their clients with access to 46 trading segments across 29 stock exchanges, MTFs and other trade sources. It clears over 9,000 securities across 18 European markets, including shares, ETFs, Depositary Receipts and US equities in European ICSDs.
Once a trade has been executed on one of the connected venues, Cboe Clear Europe manages the counterparty risk and reduces post-trade costs through netting. Cboe Clear Europe delivers safety and savings to trading and clearing firms through its low-cost, low-risk pan-European clearing and settlement services.
Through the benefits of cross-platform netting with Cboe Clear Europe, all trades in the same ISIN and settlement location, regardless of where they are executed, can be netted with other trades into one single settlement obligation. With direct access to T2S and benefitting from enhanced CCP functionality, Cboe Clear Europe members and their underlying trading participants benefit from increased STP and enhanced settlement efficiency. Cboe Clear Europe enables you to:
- Consolidate the clearing of the trading activity from the widest range of trade venues and markets.
- Manage your risk and margin requirements from one location.
- Reduce clearing and settlement cost through scale and netting efficiency.
Benefits of Using Cboe Clear Europe
- Robust risk management enables Cboe Clear Europe to calculate and collect the appropriate amount of collateral to protect a participant from another's default.
- Low-cost clearing is provided by a tariff structure that is competitive and non-discriminatory.
- Pan-European capability means trades in the same security transacted on the same day can be netted into a single settlement and margin obligation, regardless of where they are executed.
- Reliable technology used by Cboe Clear Europe minimises delays and downtime.
- Processing capacity is capable of handling platforms' anticipated peak volumes.