Leading Pan-European Clearing House

Roadmap & Initiatives

At Cboe Clear Europe we continue to introduce new initiatives in partnership with our members and key market participants. We are always implementing market driven solutions to provide capital, risk and settlement netting efficiencies. We also actively seek to promote beneficial changes to the regulatory and operational landscape, through consultation with our members and advocacy efforts.

Securities Financing Transactions (SFT) Clearing

Cboe Clear Europe is bringing an efficient, cleared solution to the European SFT market, that will help Participants manage their costs associated with stock borrowing and lending.


Helping members meet the demands and requirements of CSDR.

Preferred Clearing

Only CCP with preferred clearing access, promoting competition in vertical markets.

ETF Clearing

Introducing new initiatives in partnership with key market participants in ETFs, reducing transactional costs, reducing operational risk and influencing greater liquidity.

T2-T2S Consolidation

The objective of this project is to replace TARGET2 with a new real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system, optimise liquidity management across all TARGET Services and consolidate T2 with T2S under a single gateway (ESMIG).