Leading Pan-European Clearing House

Equity Participants

General Clearing Participants

General Clearing Participant are those authorised to clear trades which have been dealt for its own account or have been concluded for the account of clients or for other trading participants.

Cboe Clear Europe's general clearing participants are:

  • ABN AMRO Clearing Bank
  • Bank of America
  • BofA Securities Europe S.A
  • BNP Paribas SA
  • CACEIS Bank S.A
  • CACEIS Bank Spain SAU
  • Citibank Europe PLC
  • Danske Bank
  • BFF Bank S.p.A.
  • Goldman Sachs International
  • Goldman Sachs Bank Europe
  • HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt
  • Instinet
  • Interactive Brokers
  • Pershing Securities
  • RBC Europe Limited
  • Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
  • Societe Generale S.A.
  • Swedbank

Direct Clearing Participants

Direct Clearing Participants are those authorised to clear trades which have been dealt for its own account or have been concluded for the account of its Clients.

Cboe Clear Europe's direct participants are:

  • Alandsbanken Abp
  • Arbejdernes Landsbank
  • Bankinter SA
  • Barclays Bank Ireland
  • Barclays Capital Securities
  • Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
  • CaixaBank
  • Citigroup Global Markets
  • Credit Suisse International
  • Credit Suisse Bank Europe
  • Erste Group Bank AG
  • Freetrade Limited
  • Jefferies International
  • JPM Plc
  • J.P. Morgan SE
  • Lan & Spar Bank
  • Leleux Associated Brokers
  • Morgan Stanley Europe
  • Morgan Stanley International
  • MPS Capital Services Banca Per Le Imprese SPA
  • Nordea
  • Nykredit
  • OP Corporate Bank
  • Raiffeisen Bank International AG
  • Saxo Bank A/S
  • Spar Nord Bank
  • Sparekassen Kronjylland
  • Svenska Handelsbanken
  • UBS